Use Cases

Application Portfolio Management
An on-going goal for organizations includes rationalizing and simplifying the Application catalog.
Typical questions include: Where are there gaps with business functions not being supported by applications or where do we have overlap with multiple applications supporting the same function?

Technology Risk Management
Manage the technology risk across the architecture portfolio is an annual activity for most organizations.
Typical questions include: Which applications are reaching end-of-life and will require upgrading soon?

Complex Solution Architecture
IT Architecture continues to increase in complexity. Different deployments models such as public / private / hybrid clouds and the continuing evolution of application integrations / ESB’s all contribute to this. The only way to manage and maintain and understand today’s architectures is by visualizations.

Technology Governance
With a more mature IT Architecture or IT planning function technology governance will be required.
Typical questions include: Which projects are not aligned with our technology standards, architecture roadmaps & corporate goals?

Capability Based Planning
The recommended approach for any IT planning is to leverage business capabilities. These are functional maps of the organization and the technology landscape is then placed against that context.
Typical questions include: Which business capabilities require technology enhancements?

Impact Analysis & Traceability
Understanding how the architecture components are connected, their relationships. Ensuring different parts of the organization get benefits from an architecture repository is key to long term success. Impact analysis is usually welcomed by operational infrastructure folks & application development teams.